The Countryside Stewardship (CS) scheme’s next application window is now open, giving more farmers and land managers in England the opportunity to plan while also receiving money for environmental activities and sustainable food production. There are four offers:
Mid Tier
Five-year agreements with a variety of alternatives for ongoing land management, as well as up to £120,000 for capital projects such as fencing installation. Acceptance is not guaranteed, but last year all our applications were accepted. The deadline is July 29, 2022.
Wildlife Offers
To assist farmers and land managers in protecting and preserving wildlife and the natural environment:
- The Arable Offer,
- Lowland Grazing Offer,
- Mixed Farming Offer
- Upland Offer
Guaranteed acceptance. The deadline is July 29, 2022.
Capital Grants
For specific environmental projects, such as:
- Restoring hedgerows,
- Planting trees
- Installing hardcore tracks,
- Roofing yards and silage pits
- Fencing ditches and watercourses
Available year-round.
Higher Tier
Five or 10-year agreements to manage complex land in environmentally significant sites, commons, or woodlands that require support from Natural England or the Forestry Commission. Deadline: 29 April 2023. These agreements take a lot of preparation and should be considered well in advance.
Regenerative Farming
Countryside Stewardship projects can be used to ease your way into Regenerative Farming in several ways. You can get paid to grow:
• GS4: Legume and herb-rich swards
• SW6: Winter cover crops
• AB3: Beetle banks
• AB8: Flower-rich margins and plots
• AB15: Two-year sown legume fallow
ESUS Agri Ltd has the knowledge and experience to assist you in exploring the options and navigating the application and delivery process.
Esus Agri Ltd provides a free initial consultation to examine your farm’s application possibilities, explore choices, and advise you on rules and regulations. We use mapping software to create schemes that emphasize the most significant available possibilities, ensuring that every selection is appropriate for your farm. Then we produce an evaluation report with extra information, such as costs and financial returns. If you decide to proceed we will complete the application for you and deal with any queries from the RPA and/or Natural England.
Ongoing Management.
If you are already a part of a scheme or are contemplating joining one, we can assist you with the ongoing management. You can choose from our range of packages that range from keeping you on track with paperwork and management to getting your entire scheme mapped through The Land App and supporting you with day-to-day decisions.